Bob Jones-A Spurious History

Dismantling ‘Prophetic’ Deception

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With the proud ‘prophetic promise’ of ‘revival’ promoted, promulgated, and proclaimed across the ‘charismatic’ stage, with the Chief’s ‘Superbowl’ win, this is a good time to dismantle more ‘prophetic’ deception!

In discussing Bob Jones ‘disqualifying’ history, here’s my comment and a response from one commentator.

Me. I whole heartedly agree with all ‘gospel action,’ but ‘signs’ are not being scrutinized, prophecies and many prophets are not being examined. Bob Jones, I must now say, in light of all of the over emphasized, untested signs, just assuming they’re from God, that Bob disqualified himself years ago, never submitting to correction, from the very beginning, even before he met Mike Bickle.

The state of the prophetic is in serious disrepair, and I just can’t imagine any possible revival coming in the midst of this, esp. when the ‘prophetic’ is supposedly leading the way

W.M. to Daryl Giffin. Really a profit submitting to a preacher? Really you are so out of line you must be on a island, no where in the Word does a profit submit to anyone but God. And I was there.

*This is a common, yet dangerous, erroneous mindset many people in the ‘prophetic/apostolic movement’ entertain. Blinded by a refusal to judge anything, esp. a ‘prophet’ or ‘apostle,’ there is a huge denial, out of naivety and fear, not knowing the Scriptures nor correct Biblical response. I have no words to express, toward any denial of Bob’s disqualification, in light of the facts of his spurious history.

The Spurious, Chaotic Early Days

The Ernie Gruen Report (Conversation between Mike Bickle and Bob Jones)

1. ALLEGED SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCES IN HIS EARLY DAYS  (which had a reverse effect of causing him to run wholeheartedly into sin)  BJ: =Bob Jones “..When I was about nine years old, I was walking down a dusty road in the middle of summer in Arkansas. I saw an angel come on a white horse.”
(F89, p. 1) EDITOR’S NOTE: Bob, in another interview, identifies this angel as Gabriel. MB:=Mike Bikle “...And at 15 years old, you were taken out of the body. You stood before the Lord…BJ: “...He was showing me a throne room and He was showing me a seat that I needed to sit in one day…and there was a guide that stood in front of me, and he was like red sunglasses…” (F88, p.2-3) / 2020202020Photos202620Bio 27s2020202020 – Bob Jones Web Site

When only seven years old and walking on a dirt road in Arkansas; the Arch Angel Gabriel appeared to Bob Jones on a white horse and blew a double silver trumpet in his face. He then threw an old bull skin mantle at Bob’s feet. Although fearful at the time he ran…

Bob Jones claims that when he was nine years old living in Arkansas, an angel carrying a “great trumpet” came riding down from the sky on a white horse and stopped before him in the middle of a dirt road.

We find out who Bob Jones’ White Talking Horse is and whom the angel of the Lord is. According to Bob Jones when he was 13- “The first time I ever seen the white horse was when an angel called Gabriel was riding. I saw him a couple of times in the ’70’s, I didn’t understand what it meant, I would just see the white horse…(Mike Bickle interjects) “The white horse always speaks in Bob’s visions…In his vision it speaks of the corporate purpose that God is bringing to pass…” (ibid. Visions and Revelations.)

Here we have three different reports as to the age Bob 1st saw the white horse, -7, 9, 13!

Four years later, at age thirteen, he claims he was escorted to the throne room of God in heaven (like Cerullo and others). Mike Bickle asked him in a dialogue “You say that you saw the throne room?” “. . . what did it look like?” Jones- “It looked like gold and it looked like light and it was a light not like the light you see here which is artificial,” he responded, adding that the light, the glory of the Lord, frightened him. There was a “guide,” that he identified as “the angel of the Lord” who protected him from danger by standing between him and the throne by filtering the rays from God as if the angel was “like red sunglasses.” He said that he later understood that this was God’s way of calling and commissioning him for their new important earth-changing work that could go out from America’s Midwest

2. AGE 15 — LATE 30’S TOTAL ABANDONMENT TO SIN/ DEMONIC VISIONS AND POSSESSION  BJ: “...From 15 to in my late 30’s…I tried to find peace in sin and I searched for it in every bar and every fist fight, every gambling game I could get into.” (F88, p.3) MB: “...The story is real in-depth.. .he really got himself into some heavy stuff of sin and just always in Street fights and bar fights and beatin’ people up and drinkin’ alcohol, and then some other areas too–pretty heavy duty in…” (F88, p. 4) BJ: “. . . I knew the devils real good when I drank–used to party with ‘em out in the beer joints so I knew the devil. It’s when I got saved, I started knowin’ the Lord. I didn’t have–ever– any trouble seem’ the devil!…When they’d take over me, I’d go completely wacky–just lookin’ for trouble. When you drink enough, you become possessed–I become possessed…” (F89, p. 29)

3. BOB JONES WINDS UP IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION BJ: “...In my late 30’s, my nerves went…I went to Topeka (the Veterans’ Hospital mental ward); I signed in and I immediately run off and I got in hell again, so they took me back and I thought, ‘I’ve got to set it out.’ So I walked the halls out there night and day.” MB: “And after (over 20) years of alcoholism and street fighting and all the gambling and etc., etc., and so now, he is so steeped in alcoholism…BJ: “It was hell. And of all things, the doctor. . .he says, ‘I’m takin’ your dope away.’ I can’t live without it. . . and all the other doctors out there said, ‘You might as well put him on the strong stuff: he’s found a home. He will be here the rest of his life.’” (P88, p. 4 – 5)

4. DEMONIC APPEARANCE: BOB SUPPOSEDLY HEARS JESUS SAY “KILL THEM OR FORGIVE THEM. BOB.”  BJ: “…I didn’t have trouble seeing the devils at all…and this devil come and he said, ‘Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. No wonder you are like you are…They’ve got you in the crazy ward anyway, and you truly are crazy. And you know there is about a list of 12 people that are the problems why you are here. . . (Why don’t you) run away tonight and go back to town and get your gun and go kill them people, and then come back and sign into Veteran’s Hospital. You’re going to be here the rest of your life anyway. They won’t do anything to you.’ “…And immediately, I cried out for help. ‘Help me, Lord Jesus. Help me.’ And the voice spoke to me and says, ‘I can’t help you, Bob, until you forgive them. Go kill them or forgive them…’” (F88, p. 6) EDITOR’S NOTE: He does eventually forgive them. 

5. SHORTLY THEREAFTER. IN 1974. BOB JONES BEGINS HAVING TECHNICOLOR VISIONS–OFTEN BETWEEN FIVE AND TEN A NIGHT–AND SUPPOSEDLY HAS HAD THEM FOR 15 YEARS! MB:…ya know, I’m going to tell you something about Bob: Ever since that time in ‘74 when he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he began to see the technicolor visions and the Lord began to visit him. Since that time he has seen many, many times five to ten visions and dreams a night. “…And when I first met him, I couldn’t hardly comprehend that. I said, ‘Five or ten a NIGHT!!!’ He said, ‘Oh yes, all the time. Sometimes more, sometimes three or four…’ “…I remember one time in 1984, Bob came to me and he said, ‘Boy, I don’t know what is wrong–am I in sin, can you see anything?’ I said, ‘No…’ He said, ‘Boy, the Lord’s cut me off.’ He said, quote, unquote, ‘The Lord just shut the whole thing down.’ “I said, ‘What are you talking about?’ He said, ‘He just shut the whole thing down.’ He said, ‘I haven’t had visions in two nights!’ “Two nights! Two nights! And the whole thing was shut down. I said, ‘Oh, Lord, help us!’ (F88, p.11)

Jones explains to us that his healing power came when he was struck by lightning:

“It was about 76. A bolt of lightning. I was inside I didn’t have my wires grounded in the basement down there, and I grabbed ahold of the refrigerator, and lightning hit the wires outside, and a great blue flame came in. And a ball of fire danced all over that basement, and didn’t hurt me. But from that time forth my hands worked funny. And a lot of people have had a lot of good laughs about it. But a lot of people have got healed by it, too. And miracles and everything else, and got anointed by it. Anytime God is going to start a fire, he starts it with lightning. And you can take a little of that fire and impart it wherever it is needed. And it will start a God’s fire” ( Bob Jones, Visions and Revelations, 1988.)

Bob’s Long History Of Rejection 

6. CORRECTED BY OTHER MINISTRIES IN KANSAS CITY UNTIL “FOUND” BY MIKE BICKLE  MB: “…Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years– ‘cause every time he prophesied, something would happen… ‘cause most of them were negative–they threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people...” (ROH, p. 7)

The accounts given by Bob Jones about being rejected are untrue. For example, he described in one story (detailed in Section I), how Berean Baptist Church, a highly respected Charismatic church, “threw him out.” (Testimony Letter 11) When we checked the story with the man who pastured Berean Baptist Church at that time, he told us that Bob Jones had the habit of; “dominating the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding prophecies–supposedly from God–mostly in the flesh. The people and pastor grew weary of this continuous wearisome foretelling of earthquakes and tragedies coming until I, as pastor and shepherd of the sheep, asked Bob Jones to come with me and another pastor to my study to counsel him. I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. Bob refused counsel, refused to be under subjection…and took off for other churches where he would be free to make his predictions. He was not, and I emphasize not, asked to leave our church. Besides that, he was never a member.” (Testimony Letter 11- Full report below)

The exaggerated stories of rejection gain sympathy for Bob and fit into their theology of prophets being people who have had to deal with rejection all their lives. The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. . .until he met Mike Bickle. Bob Jones experienced correction., not rejection.– p.41

One Of The ‘Rejection’ Stories

Bob and Mike’s Version – A FABRICATED STORY CONCERNING BOB JONES   p.42                          The following story, which is often told by Mike Bickle to give credibility to Bob Jones as a prophet, is a complete fabrication of facts. The pastor of the church mentioned in the story, and. a leading member of that church totally repudiate the story as given. Read carefully the account, given by Mike Bickle and Bob Jones, during interviews in the fall of 1988: 
BJ:= Bob Jones “Viola and I were involved in a church in ‘76. We were involved with the youth leaders, and we even gave them quite a bit of land in Lake Ozarks. We had a youth camp there. There was a movement of the Spirit with the youth. but also there was a pull of the youth into immorality, drugs, and alcohol. And the Lord was tellin’ me what they were doin’. I had to warn them. It got dangerous. Still they wouldn’t turn from it, so I went and warned a couple of the youth leaders twice. Viola and I, we dearly loved them. They were like our son and our daughter. And I warned them, but they really got upset the last time I warned them. And two days later they were both dead. I warned them about a motorcycle. They were killed on a motorcycle two days later.”  MB: “Because they were in sin. It wasn’t that the enemy could just take them, but he warned them. The enemy was seeking to take them. And they said it, ‘Forget it, we are not getting rid of our sin.’” 

BJ: That motorcycle was part of their sin. So they were killed, and even in their funeral I brought another word–it kept coming, and it was–(I’d heard the church brag just before that, ‘Ten years we haven’t had a death.’) ‘Oh, don’t get into pride or brag. Man, you open the door to the devil every time.’ As they were burying them the Lord told me, ‘This isn’t the last. And they will be young people: they won’t be old.’ The next day we got a call from another young man in the Navy, and he went to Swope Park with a couple of Black Muslims and he got drunk and he tried to swim in the lagoon out there and he drowned. Two or three days later a man run off the road and was killed. These were young family men. They just died one after another. And the women of the church began to look at me and said, ‘Don’t let him look at your husband. The man can curse him and you’ll die.’ There was all kind of stuff that started going on. got so depressed because young ones were dying. What bothered me the most was Viola and I had some blood kin in there too. You know, you think that would scare hell out of them, but it didn’t- -they started runnin’ to drugs and alcohol to forget it, and they went into immorality. And some of them has never come back to the Lord since then.” 

MB: “So. seven young people under 30 died in a 6-week period. and Bob had given himself fully to this group and he was so depressed because this group rejected him and then he called in about some sin in the leadership’–some immorality–and they threw him out of the church. They said, ‘We don’t want you here again.’ They cast him out, and within weeks the immorality in the leadership took place and the people left–left their spouses of the church, so seven young people under 30 die in six weeks. So they said. ‘You cursed them. You are the one that cursed the leadership. Get out of here!’ So Bob, brokenhearted, and Viola drew back from the church as they were kicked out of it and said. ‘Lord is there anything we can do? How are we to view this?’ They were sick at heart for months and months.” (F88, p. 26 — 27) 
In another message in 1986, Mike Bickle described the story a little differently:  MB: “…he (Bob) was involved in one church. And a bunch of the youth group was getting into sin and he spoke to them and warned them by the spirit of prophecy (that) it they don’t quit sinning, that–it’s a little church of about 300 people–he said, ‘Different ones of you will die…’ and he told different ones by name. And in six weeks, seven of the youth died in six weeks. And so they threw Bob Jones out.” (P.His 1, p. 15)


THE FACTS BY FORMer pastor AND A CHURCH MINISTER ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT:          “During the time of my pastorate at Berean Baptist Church, a man by the name of Bob Jones came to our services and started, without contacting or consulting the pastor, proceeded to insert himself as a prophet in every service–dominated the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding prophecies, supposedly from God, mostly in the flesh. The people and pastor grew weary of this continuous and wearisome foretelling of earthquakes and tragedies coming until I, as pastor and shepherd of the sheep, asked Bob Jones to come with me and another pastor to my study to counsel him. And I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. Bob refused counsel, refused to be under the subjection of the shepherd, and took off for other churches where he would be free to make his predictions. He was not, and I emphasize not, asked to leave our church. Besides that, he was never a member. Furthermore, it has come to my attention thahe prophesied that seven young men would die and that the pastor and church would not listen to him. That is a lie. Those predictions were never made. My wife, who never missed a service and has a better memory than I do, verifies this fact. I would have this comment on the supposed fact that two young people on a motorcycle was proof of his prediction…Will and Judy Pliska were accidentally killed by a Christian man who grievously attended the funeral service. Fact: God does not choose one of His saints to kill His saints. Two of the most spiritual children I know were the Pliskas. Add to that–the funeral was held in my church; I preached the funeral message and gave an invitation to accept Christ, and several young people took Jesus as their Savior that day.” (Testimony Letter 11) 

The church member: “At the maximum, six people of all ages died over a 2-year period, from March 29, 1976, to January 12, 1978: a. Dennis Wagner, age 19;. died March 29, 1976, drowned at Swope Park. He was backslidden and had been out of the church for over a year in the Navy. b. Will and Judy Pliska, ages 31 and perhaps 29; died in the fall of 1976. Will and Judy were dedicated Christians and were youth leaders. They were not in sin. The police who visited their apartment following their deaths reported finding their Bibles open on the table from their quiet time that morning.” 
Bob Jones did not bring a prophetic word at that funeral about additional people dying. Furthermore, Bob recounts that at the funeral God tells him that more are still to die, and then two or three days later a young man drowns in a lagoon. This young man, Dennis Wagner. was the nephew of this church member. As stated previously, he died on March 29, many months before the funeral of Will and Judy, not after. c. Walt Simon, in his 40’s; died December 16, 1976. This man was also a Christian in good standing, who was run off the road and killed. d. J.R. Smith, young man; date of death uncertain. J.R. turned a forklift over and accidentally killed himself while at work at Armco Steel. He had attended church there for a short time previously, but had not been involved at all in the months prior to his death. e. Grandma Wynn, age 89; died January 12, 1978. This was the only other recorded death in the church in a 2-year span. Only three of these people were under the age of 30.”

The member testified that Bob Jones had the habit of jumping up, at any time he felt like it during the services, and prophesying. He was not under submission to the pastor. The pastor finally took another brother with him and asked Bob not to speak out in the services–to be quiet in services for a period of 30 days. He was not kicked out or thrown out of the church. 
The church member ended with, “...these deaths could, in no way, be construed as ‘seven young people involved in sin, dying in a period of six weeks.’ This is a complete exploitation for the purpose of gaining personal credibility as a prophet. Bob Jones was never asked to leave the church; Bob Jones did not publicly give warning to the church.” (Testimony Letter 33)  

Testimonies From Other Pastors In Kansas City Of Bob’s Behaviour

I can verity that he (Bob Jones) was at that time very unstable in his behavior
February 28, 1990 Dear Ernie, I listened to your tape, “do we just keep smiling and say nothing?” this last week and thought I’d drop you a line to let you know how I feel about it personally & how I am responding to the calls that I have received. Having had the (nameless) prophet (I should say shameless prophet) under my pastoral care for a few months prior to the creation of S.K.C.F., I can verify that he was at that time very unstable in his behavior. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. concerning this man’s behavior, but to my horror the leadership there began to put a great deal of stock in his prophesies. I did caution Mike Bickle about the strangeness of the prophet at the time. I smiled and said nothing, I even made several attempts at unity only to find that I had been prophesied over by another of the resident prophets. The prophesy was that my church at that time would fail. Naturally I rejected the prophesy as being false & was in turn rejected by them for being false. All this to say that I Love you very much, Ernie, and I’m behind you 100% in this matter. Sincerely yours, (signed) Alan Needham (Pastor)

7. SUMMARY AND OBSERVATIONS  a. Bob Jones and his supernatural visions and experiences are foundational to Kansas City Fellowship and their “Movement.” b. Bob’s background includes alcoholism, abandonment to sin, demon possession, drug addiction, and time in a mental institution; from this background he does a sudden 180 degree turn to become a major “prophet of God for the last days.” c. This man who saw demons regularly and “partied with them” prior to salvation now begins seeing angels and having out-of-body experiences, etc. He starts getting “five to ten dreams and visions a night” from 1974 to the present, supposedly from God. d. His “prophetic ministry” is rejected by church after church, until he meets Mike Bickle. Mike embraces Bob’s visions and utilizes them to the fullest in the advancement of “The Movement.” e. We are dealing here with a man who claims to have had more revelations, visions, and supernatural experiences with Jesus and angels than that of all the men of God in the Bible put together. f. Either Bob Jones has a walk with God that would make that of the Apostle Paul shrink to almost nothing in comparison, or there is something seriously wrong here. g. The sad irony is that so many of those same mystical experiences and revelations have no support whatsoever from Scripture, and many defy the scriptural record entirely. 

Mike Bickle’s St. Louis Days

Mike Bickle’s Wierd Church In St. Louis Sheffield Family Life Center April 17, 1990 Dear Ernie: Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I want to commend you for your stand regarding the Kansas City Fellowship. I listened to your tape earlier; and this past Sunday someone gave me a copy of your letter to Mike Bickle of April 4. I have only listened to a few of the tapes from Kansas City Fellowship, and read only a few of their publications. I have, however, heard from quite a number of our people who used to attend the Fellowship. I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusions you presented in your letter. I have stated to anyone who has asked me about it for many months that IT IS A CULT. We have been praying for God to expose to the congregation at Kansas City Fellowship the errors in order that so many of God’s sincere people will not be damaged. It will eventually dawn on most people that this is error, but only after many lives are destroyed. I felt a strong uneasiness of the Holy Spirit when Mike first came to town and came by to visit me in my office. 

My son, George, who is now a Youth Pastor in the Chicago area, traveled with a Gospel Group that sang in the church Mike co-pastored in Saint Louis a number of years ago. He called me immediately after church that night and said, “Dad, I’ve been in the weirdest church I’ve ever been in.” After he described what was going on I advised him that what was happening was not Scriptural. As you know, that church fell to pieces a little later. I did not know until after I had sensed an uneasiness in my spirit about Mike, that Mike was the pastor of the church. I would like a copy of your documentation, and, if you think appropriate, for permission to make copies for those of our congregation who are concerned. We are standing in prayer with you. In CHRIST (signed), (Dr.) George (Westlake Jr. Senior Pastor)

Mike Relating His Story From St. Louis The_Early_Days_Cairo_Egypt_and_the Solemn_Assembly_IPH01.pdf

“In June 1982 the story picks up. I am in St. Louis pastoring, and a man named Augustine Acula comes through town. This man had a strong proven prophetic ministry, but I had never heard of him. He gave me a prophecy. He said that he had heard the audible voice of the Lord about my life. Of course, I had no way to interpret that. I had never heard such a claim. The long and the short of it was that God had a new direction and, in essence, He was sending me to Kansas City. That was a disturbing word. I did not know how to interpret a person who claimed that he heard the audible voice of God. No one in my background had ever heard the audible voice of God. He gave me four very important words in October 1982. He said, “When you go to Kansas City”—we went the next month, in November, and, “I am going to tell you four things. There are going to be thousands of young people gathered from around the world. There will be a full manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in God’s timing. Watch out, as there will be a false prophet in your midst in the early days.” By the way, we discovered it; so there is no mystery about that. Then he said a strange word. He said, “There will be a resistance and a controversy. There will be people standing against you, and the Lord says, ‘Do not answer them, as the Lord Himself will answer them.”
*Augustine Acula was defrocked a few years later for homosexual activity, and viewed as a false prophet.


Ernie Gruen Report p.41 (bob Comes To Kansas City Fellowship) 4. Mike Bickle dates the very beginning of their “Movement” to the first supernatural experiences of Bob Jones, including “nearly 100 visions.” 

MB: = Mike Bickle “...Well, I believe our history is deeply tied up, in a human sense, to Bob Jones…And I believe that God’s goodness towards us, giving us this history, began when the Lord separated Bob Jones many, many years ago. His purpose for this people, in a hum-an sense, had some of it’s roots back in the hills of Arkansas when Bob was, ah, a young boy. OPH ,p. 

2) “…And the reason I get talking about Bob–Bob is so ‘integral’ in the first 18 months of our history, because the Lord ordained it. There’s nobody in the natural that had a more ‘integral’ role in establishing the foundations in that kind of prophetic way than Bob. “And all of his weaknesses and all of his mistakes and all of his other things that are bad, (‘cause I got to balance this thing out to keep him humble), the Lord still used him. . .very distinct from anything I’ve ever heard of or seen, or boy, I tell you, it was totally bizarre, and most of those events run over an 18-month period. “Because the Lord told Bob that he was to come to help establish clarity and faith in the hearts of those young people so that when they believed, then there would be a whole new ability for the Lord to work in our midst–when we believed the things about this movement. “Well, this one brother comes to me in January, 1983, and he begins to tell me about Bob Jones…And on March 7, 1983–’cause I remember the day because it was, it became a very dear day to at least several of us, as the day when the Lord brought Bob into our midst…” (ROH, p. 6) 

Although Mike already had a belief in a “special Movement” and a “new order,” all of this was not fully developed. The grandiose vision of the “Movement” was, in fact, expanded by a whole series of visions that Bob Jones supposedly had between 1974 and 1983
MB: “When Bob first walked in the office on March 7, 1983, he said, ‘I’ve come to get you to believe in a movement that is worldwide and that is going to touch the nations of the earth with such power and glory that it will go far beyond the book of Acts. “I said, ‘A movement?’ “He said, ‘Oh, the Lord told me you wouldn’t know anything about it. But,’ he says, ‘I’m going to minister.’ And he says, ‘My first task is to get you to believe it.’ “I said, ‘What movement?’ “He said, ‘You don’t know nothin’, do you?’ “I said, ‘The Lord just told me to come here; I don’t know a clue about anything.’ “And that began the bizarre 18-month period of events. So he began to tell me about the movement. (P88, p. 30) “…The Lord began to deal sovereignly with him in the prophetic realm; he began to see technicolor visions in 1974…and he said the Lord gave him nearly 100 dreams and visions concerning this movement over that 9-year period–from ‘74 to ‘83. (ROH, p. 6)
 “...And then he began to proceed to tell me an hour and a half or two hours, though I forgot the time, of this most unbelievable layout of visions that you could ever imagine in your mind…Incredible, not like because it was so realistic–incredible, like the first time you ever see Star Wars. It was so bizarre I couldn’t believe anybody could think of something like that. It was unbelievable!” (P.His 1, p. 14) 

These “unbelievable, bizarre, Star Wars visions” are now the very basis and foundation for their end-times “Movement,” and are fervently promoted by Mike Bickle across America. Ironically, after hearing Bob tell of these visions, Mike Bickle’s first reaction was that of being absolutely certain that he was a false prophet: 
MB: “...So Bob Jones comes in and…of course, I was looking for a false prophet and he looked like one to me. I’d never seen one, but he looked as close as I could come up with. And anyway, the guy comes in feeling the oil and feeling the wind, ‘Uh huh, uh huh, this is it, this is it.’ “And I remember his first words, as he goes, ‘I’ve seen you.’ And I said, ‘And I’ve seen you.’ And he said, ‘Yeah, I thought you probably would.’ And what I meant was that I had had a prophecy about a false man that was coming. “Bob said, ‘The Lord told me in September, ‘82, I would sit around the communion table of this group. . . and they would accept me in their midst.’ Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years– ‘cause every time he prophesied, something would happen. . . ‘cause most of them were negative–they threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people. “…he said, ‘Because they rejected me many places and the Lord has shown me many times, and He (God) said this, this group that was yet to come, He said they would never, ever reject me.’ He said, ‘This is my family ‘till the end.’ “…And I thought, ‘He ‘s got to be the false prophet for sure.’ Any guy that prophesies that I’m going to accept him, he is for sure the false prophet. So I was settled then. (ROH, p. 6 – 7) 
“... So I knew instantly, the first minute he prophesied his acceptance; so I knew he was the false prophet–no question in my mind.”
 (P.His, p. 14) 

Mike Bickle was, however, soon won over by “supernatural signs,” to believe that Bob Jones must be from God. After having studied the truly bizarre, unscriptural nature of so many of Bob Jones’ beliefs, teachings, visions, dreams, and out-of-body experiences, we are in total agreement with Mike’s original, gut-level assessment. This understanding is so important that we have devoted Section III entirely to giving a history of Bob Jones’ background, providing examples of his bizarre experiences, and establishing his significance to the “Movement.” We need to remember that signs and wonders alone in no way assure that the source is God. Quoting Jesus on the last days: Matthew 24:11 “And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many.” (NASV) Matthew 24:24 “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” (NASV)

Dismantling, Disqualifying, Deceptive, Prophetic Proliferation

Yes it’s possible to disqualify one’s self from public ministry!

1Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full [a] respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.” 1 Timothy 3:1-7

Bob’s spurious history began early, with three discrepant ages reported, by himself and his web site. His 1st spurious encounter, is with an appearance, supposedly, of the Arch Angel Gabriel, riding a ‘talking’ white horse. At the age of 13 or 15 (two different accounts), he supposedly is taken to heaven, and a ‘guide’ who appears looking like ‘red sunglasses,’ protects him from God’s glory, saying, “this was God’s way of calling and commissioning him for their new important earth-changing work that could go out from America’s Midwest.”

20 years of debauchery, drinking and demonization led him to Topeka Veterans’ Hospital mental ward, where, on drugs, this devil come and he said, ‘Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. No wonder you are like you are…They’ve got you in the crazy ward anyway, and you truly are crazy. And you know there is about a list of 12 people that are the problems why you are here. . . (Why don’t you) run away tonight and go back to town and get your gun and go kill them people, and then come back and sign into Veteran’s Hospital. You’re going to be here the rest of your life anyway. They won’t do anything to you.’to him. (Without clarifying ‘the voice’ he continues), ..And immediately, I cried out for help. ‘Help me, Lord Jesus. Help me.’ And the voice spoke to me and says, ‘I can’t help you, Bob, until you forgive them. Go kill them or forgive them…

Shortly thereafter in 1974 Bob begins having technicolor visions-often between 5 and 10 a night-and supposedly for the next 15 years. He complained to Mike Bickle one time. MB: He said, ‘I haven’t had visions in two nights!’ “Two nights! Two nights! And the whole thing was shut down. I said, ‘Oh, Lord, help us!’ (F88, p.11) (Highly abnormal!)

Jones explains to us that his healing power came when he was struck by lightning:

“It was about 76. A bolt of lightning. I was inside I didn’t have my wires grounded in the basement down there, and I grabbed ahold of the refrigerator, and lightning hit the wires outside, and a great blue flame came in. And a ball of fire danced all over that basement, and didn’t hurt me. But from that time forth my hands worked funny. And a lot of people have had a lot of good laughs about it. But a lot of people have got healed by it, too. And miracles and everything else, and got anointed by it. Anytime God is going to start a fire, he starts it with lightning. And you can take a little of that fire and impart it wherever it is needed. And it will start a God’s fire” ( Bob Jones, Visions and Revelations, 1988.)

All of these highly unusual exp.’s, so far are not necessarily disqualifying factors, but need to be discerned, and are suspect extra-Biblical phenomenon.

There is no detailed information available concerning his spiritual life upon leaving the ‘mental ward.’ This is disconcerting, considering the demonic influence in his life just prior, and esp. the extremely, ‘highly prolific’ ‘technicolor’ visions, upon leaving the hospital. This is very troubling!

The demon speaking to him in the hospital, ‘Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. No wonder you are like you are…They’ve got you in the crazy ward anyway, and you truly are crazy,’ seems to be an echo he carried with him afterwards, as he reacted to and rejected correction by other ministries for his spurious ‘prophecies.’ Rejection is highly dangerous, esp. to one aspiring to public ministry.

By his own acknowledgement, MB: “…Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years– ‘cause every time he prophesied, something would happen… ‘cause most of them were negative–they threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people..

This is a red flag. Prophecy is primarily for speak(ing) to men for their edification, encouragement, and comfort. 1 Cor. 14:3 As a self-proclaimed prophet, with no ‘history’ with the Body of Christ, no respect for leadership, and no reception to correction, these ‘judgement prophecies’ were totally out of Biblical order. These are major disqualifying factors!

As told above, Bob out right lied about his ‘warning prophecies,’ at Berean Baptist Church, and actually recounted two different stories, both lies, as the pastor of the church and another member, recounted what actually transpired.

Another pastor in Kansas City, went to Mike with concerns about Bob, when he learned that Bob was now at Mike’s church, because Bob had formerly been with him. This was his concern;

I can verify that he (Bob Jones) was at that time very unstable in his behavior
February 28, 1990 Dear Ernie, Having had the (nameless) prophet (I should say shameless prophet) under my pastoral care for a few months prior to the creation of S.K.C.F., I can verify that he was at that time very unstable in his behavior. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. concerning this man’s behavior, but to my horror the leadership there began to put a great deal of stock in his prophesies. I did caution Mike Bickle about the strangeness of the prophet at the time. I smiled and said nothing, I even made several attempts at unity only to find that I had been prophesied over by another of the resident prophets. The prophesy was that my church at that time would fail. Naturally I rejected the prophesy as being false & was in turn rejected by them for being false. All this to say that I Love you very much, Ernie, and I’m behind you 100% in this matter. Sincerely yours, (signed) Alan Needham (Pastor)

Other pastors in Kansas City acknowledged that; The exaggerated stories of rejection gain sympathy for Bob and fit into their theology of prophets being people who have had to deal with rejection all their lives. The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. . .until he met Mike Bickle. Bob Jones experienced correction., not rejection. 

Mike Meets Bob!

More red Flags MB: “When Bob first walked in the office on March 7, 1983, he said, ‘I’ve come to get you to believe in a movement that is worldwide and that is going to touch the nations of the earth with such power and glory that it will go far beyond the book of Acts. “I said, ‘A movement?’ “He said, ‘Oh, the Lord told me you wouldn’t know anything about it. But,’ he says, ‘I’m going to minister.’ And he says, ‘My first task is to get you to believe it.’ “I said, ‘What movement?’ “He said, ‘You don’t know nothin’, do you?’ “I said, ‘The Lord just told me to come here; I don’t know a clue about anything.’

MB: “...So Bob Jones comes in’..“And I remember his first words, as he goes, ‘I’ve seen you.’ And I said, ‘And I’ve seen you.’ And he said, ‘Yeah, I thought you probably would.’ And what I meant was that I had had a prophecy about a false man that was coming. “Bob said, ‘The Lord told me in September, ‘82, I would sit around the communion table of this group. . . and they would accept me in their midst.’ Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years– ‘cause every time he prophesied, something would happen. . . ‘cause most of them were negative–they threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people. “…he said, ‘Because they rejected me many places and the Lord has shown me many times, and He (God) said this, this group that was yet to come, He said they would never, ever reject me.’ He said, ‘This is my family ‘till the end.’ “…And I thought, ‘He‘s got to be the false prophet for sure.’ Any guy that prophesies that I’m going to accept him, he is for sure the false prophet. So I was settled then. (ROH, p. 6 – 7) 
“... So I knew instantly, the first minute he prophesied his acceptance; so I knew he was the false prophet–no question in my mind.”

Incredible as it seems, Mike Bickle was, however, soon won over by “supernatural signs,” to believe that Bob Jones must be from God. Bob spoke about some things to occur, and gave Mike a ‘personal, seemingly, supernatural word of prophecy,’ that convinced Mike he was from God, throwing out all of the red flags and other warnings, embracing everything Bob said, and actually building his ‘ministry’ upon Bob’s ‘revelations!

He Laboured In Vain!

This brings me to one further point at this time. If Mike’s ministry and vision was built upon false prophecy, as difficult as it may seem to acknowledge, Mike’s labour was in vain. “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” Ps.127:1 ” “According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw—each one’s work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.” 1 Cor. 3:10-13

Rec’ing Bob Jones false prophecies was not Mike’s first major error. He actually left St. Louis and started the church in Kansas City, solely in response to a ‘prophetic word,’ from defrocked ‘prophet’ Augustine Acula. Mike’s whole ministry was riddled with false directives, false prophecy and revelation, and false doctrine. He came under a false spirit, and operated out of that spirit, producing a counterfeit ‘move of God!

False prophecy can be a catalyst for false, counterfeit revival, ‘moves of God and ministries’!

Part 2 Next

One thought on “Bob Jones-A Spurious History

  1. Bob Jones and Mike Bickle channel demonic ‘revelations’. Jane Lead and Alice Bailey, occultic mediums, prophesied the IDENTICAL things Jones and BIckle have been promoting for years. The CORPORATE Christ they promote is identical to the Cosmic Christ of the occultics. And BIckle and Bill Johnson are promoting a “Second Pentecost” which is the coming ONE WORLD CHURCH. And, Jones’ other ludicrous prophecies are beyond ridiculous and its incomprehensible that ANYONE in their right mind would follow these two men. Hebrews 1: “IN TIMES PAST, God spoke to the fathers through the prophets. But in these last days, He speaks to us through His SON.” And Jesus said, “SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for they testify of Me.” John 5


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